Reach across diverse populations and expand your customer base with our translation services, especially tailor-made for your IT business. Our qualified team of experts is well versed in every aspect of your requirements. Be it translation of help manuals, software localization, electronic drawings or product specification documents, our specialized IT document translation services offer guaranteed results.
If you are looking to widen your customer reach and tap into new global markets, then you have to make sure that your website and product-related content has clear, legible and culturally precise language. We ensure that this transition to other languages is not only easy for your company, but also accurate.
Key Services For Your IT Business
- Translation
- Website Localization
- Software Localization
- Voiceover
- eLearning Module Development
Technical document translation can get complex. Precise jargon usages and correct terminology is essential in producing an accurate document. We understand the nuances of the information technology industry and offer a wide range of services to deliver the best translation services. We ensure that a flawless experience is offered to your readers across all your platforms through technological language coherence. Years of experience rendering quality translation services to our clients in the IT industry has made our team subject matter experts in IT translation.
Our IT documents translation include (but are not limited to) the following:
Technical Documents
User Manuals & Guides
Troubleshooting guides
Technical reports
Instructional Documents
Technical Specifications
White papers
Business Documents
Press Releases
Commercial Invoices
Purchase orders
Bill of Lading
Business Presentations
Inter-office Memos
IT Documents
Training materials
Legal documents
Product specifications
Research documents
Operating instructions
Policy manuals
Test cases
At Knowledgeworks, we provide personalized and comprehensive language solutions that empower your industry specific needs to communicate globally. Our wide ranges of solutions are affordable, flexible and swift. We understand your business requirements and guarantee top quality service on-time. Our tested methodology to translate your work has proven track record of consistent accurate translation.
What are you waiting for?
Get in touch with us to experience our wide variety of customized services designed to address your business critical needs.